Before I begin to delve into details about my life and hopefully begin building a community of hope, I want to introduce myself.
My name is Joseph and I am 31 years old. I am a practicing attorney living in St. Louis, MO. With so much division and hatred in the world today I wanted to create a community where people can discuss their hardships as well as their triumphs in the hopes that others can be inspired. Pain and mental illness are just a couple of topics that I want to discuss with all of you. I want this to be a forum where we can discuss the challenges we have faced and how we can and do overcome them.
I have faced many hurdles in my life and want to share how I cleared these hurdles in hopes of helping others. Among many other things I plan on discussing my battle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), depression, anxiety, addiction, and chronic pain.
In the future I hope to create a large platform of help and kindness. I will eventually branch out into other media including podcasts and books. But for the time being I hope this site and my experiences can help you open up about yours and we can all get healthier together.
Oh and the and the name of this blog is based off the fact that I stand at 5'2 and want to help others succeed in life and hope they can help me as well.